

Please, let me your feedback or submit any questions via this single address:



Where can we find the user manual of the ECLO.RE players?

A generic documentation bringing together installation advice, requirements, complete description of the different features, as well as getting started notes, and tips & tricks sheets are available on these pages of the site.

All the tracks included in the players and posted on this website are royalty free ?

No ! All musics are copyrighted to Eclo.re©. However, considering the player's characteristics and the wide possibilities of remixing, twisting, re-looping some sequences, I leave the field open for those who wish to use it as a resampling material for their composition. Nowadays, It is definitely accepted in our music production practices to use sampling in an extremely creative way. Consequently, I authorize the use, not for sequences and tracks in their entirety, but the possibility of reusing a few bars. As the pitch, ambience, tones and melodies are altered, it is completely permissible to use some loops as sources for your own music. So, be creative!

Note: All long recordings resulting from improvisations with the player are considered as a remix, and in the event that they are published, must be duly credited by citing the author of the original track.

Is this series available on CD or LP?

The Eclo.re Player Series vol.1 is only available on stream & downloadable digital format, exclusively on this website.

Is refund possible?

Unfortunately, refunds are not possible. As far as the product has been downloaded, it is considered that the user has taken possession of the digital content. Theses interactive album players for REAKTOR 6  are digital goods with as much characteristic of a device that can be used as a tool for music producers, as much they got an artistic value. Considering this aspects, both technical and artistic, please understand that it is important for me to protect my creations.

Collaborations, Licensing, Booking...

Based in the countryside between Paris and Rouen (France) where my studio is located, there are always possibilities for collaboration on the internet or in real life. If you are looking to license music from my existing catalog, to use my services to create from an original score, or to play the role of producer, arranger, sound & GUI designer, or to program ECLO.RE for a special event, do not hesitate to present your project to me by email, because even constantly busy, I am always motivated to take on new challenges.